RHOP Star Karen Huger Involved in Severe Maserati Crash, Receives Citation

“REALITY TV ‘RHOP’ Star Karen Huger Totals Maserati.” That’s one headline you can’t skim past without a double-take. Karen Huger, ever the icon, found herself in a bit of a bind.

A gnarly crash, they said. And her 2017 Maserati? Well, it’s seen better days.

By Whitney Vasquez. The date? March 20, 2024. And if you’re watching the clock, it hit the news at 4:02 p.m., ET sharp.

Cops were on the scene, of course. They had to be, right? And they didn’t just stand around. Nope, they handed out a citation.

But let’s not get bogged down in the details. Not just yet. Because, hey, crashes happen. And stars? They’re just like us – until their luxury cars get totaled. Then it’s a whole different ballgame.

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