Kim Zolciak Divorce Bombshell: 2001 Documents Show Alleged Abandonment at 8 Months Pregnant

Kim Zolciak’s world turned upside down, you know? The “Real Housewives” star faced a harsh reality back in ’01.

Her marriage? Barely lasted a season. Just three months, and poof! Her hubby was out the door.

It’s like, she was eight months pregnant, and bam, he’s gone. Talk about a bombshell divorce, right?

Douglas Montero spilled the beans on this one. It was December 20, 2023, when the news hit.

And get this – it was exactly 5:00 p.m. ET when the story dropped. Like clockwork.

‘Cruel Treatment,’ the headlines screamed. It’s the kind of drama reality TV eats up. But for Kim? All too real.